Saturday, April 4, 2015

NEW TOS Bridge Crew III - Old Dogs [G] 3/4 (K, S, Mc, Sc, f)

Title: Old Dogs Go to Heaven
Author: Artemis (
Series: TOS
Codes: K, S, Mc, Sc, f
Rating: [G]
Parts: 3/4
Summary:  Kirk pops in on Spock and the crew
Disclaimer: CBS-Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended, no money being made.
Feedback: Will write for feedback
Beta:  No beta. All mistakes are my own.
Author's Note: For Iddy and Julie. Part III of the Bridge Crew series.
Archiving: ASC, ASCEML THFFF, Spock/McCoyote’s Den, Artemys Aquiver and the like. All others please ask.


James T. Kirk slowly regained consciousness.

He heard Scotty say “We got him.”

Bones drawled “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

But he only opened his eyes when he heard Spock exclaim “Jim!”

He was surrounded by cats. A big gray cat with funny ears, a fluffy Siamese and a black cat, all peering at him intently. They were huge. He lifted an arm to defend himself and saw his arm had turned into a cat’s foreleg. Jim glanced around in a panic. He saw his reflection. He was a handsome long-haired orange tom cat.

“Spock?!” He pleaded. “Help me!” The black cat advance on him….

Kirk woke coughing and gasping for air.  He sat up in bed and Rhonda put her arms around him.

“I got you, sweetheart. You’re all right.”  She comforted him.

He nodded, fighting to get his breath back. At last, he told her about the dream. “It seemed so damn real.”

“What’s wrong with that?” she wanted to know. “All the old gang back together.”

His Doberman Pincher jumped up on the bed. He touched her sleek head.

Jim shrugged; “Personally, I’m a dog man.”

End of Part 3


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