Scene II
(Spock and Leonard climb into the flitter. Spock engages the automatic pilot. Then they laugh heartily and embrace. They kiss open mouthed, briefly and passionately.)
Spock: Leonard, I cannot believe you talked me into that!
Leonard: I can’t believe you went along with it, but I’m glad you did.
Spock: I thought surely your mother would come up to see what was taking so long.
Leonard: That was the one thing I could count on. She knows I’m a clotheshorse and it takes me forever to get dressed.
Spock: You, however, get undressed very quickly.
Leonard: (sputters) My tux was the color of Andorian skin! (He slaps Spock on the knee), Boy, you are a genius.
Spock: Where did you get that… that… piece of sartorial satire?
Leonard: My mom bought it. She’s into Twentieth century history and culture. We had "Tee Vee" dinners the other night, ugh.
Spock: I’m sure my evening’s repast was much tastier. (He pulls Leonard close) As a matter of fact, I would not be adverse to seconds. (Spock tugs on Leonard’s waistband.)
Leonard: Seconds, I haven’t recovered from first, yet, darlin.’ (He gently removes Spock’s hand)
Spock: (looks down cast) I understand.
Leonard: Aw, Spock honey, don’t. Look, how long until we get to the Andorian Embassy?
Spock: At current course and speed, forty-seven minutes and fifty-three seconds.
Leonard: Plenty of time. (He slips down between Spock’s knees) Cadet, I suggest you remove those trousers, if you don’t want them stained and wrinkled. (Spock obliges) Oh my, were you planning on wearing that all evening?
Spock: Just until you noticed.
Leonard: Well, you could have been the Belle of the Ball. All the ladies would have lined up to dance with the Big Man on the Academy Campus. Where did you find my codpiece and when did you put it on?
Spock: On the floor beside your bed. I put it on while you were in the bathroom. I am constantly amazed that you are allowed to keep your room in such a state of disarray. It would not be tolerated on Vulcan.
Leonard: Well, it works for me. Now, if you don’t mind, it’s not polite to talk with my mouth full.
LATER (They are dressed, watching the world skim by under the flitter)
Spock: Well timed, Len. We have 4.7 minutes until we reach the embassy.
Leonard: Just one final detail. Let me fix your lipstick, sweetheart.
Spock: It is a Vulcan cosmetic designed to camouflage such features as Humans might finds disquieting.
Leonard: In other words: Vulcan lipstick.
Spock: (Sighs) Yes. Leonard, when you call me "sweetheart", is that a sincere indication of your feelings towards me, or is it just a verbal habit?
Leonard: (Leonard takes Spock’s face in his hands) My dear Spock, I am very sincere when I call you "sweetheart", "darling", "honey" and I wish you would fall into the same habit.
Spock: Understood, darlin’.
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